Offer confirmation times

In this guide, you will learn about confirmation times and how long it takes for offers you have completed to be credited to your account. Offers that you complete can take different amount of time to reflect in your account.

What are confirmation times?

Offer confirmation time is the time it takes for you to receive your earnings into your account after you have finished an offer on Mocash. Confirmation times are set by the provider of the offer and are generally shown to you before you begin an offer.

How long does an offer take to confirm?

Offers can confirm immediately after you finish them or take as long as 30 days after completion to confirm. This all depends on how long the provider of the task has set.

Confirmation times for high-value offers

High-value offers are offers where the earnings are $5 or more. We credit these offers after 30 days to your account. This is necessary to prevent chargebacks and fraud.